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Tour of the Bishop's Garden, Washington National Cathedral -Meeting on September 21, 2021

On a spectacular September morning, we gathered at the Bishop’s Garden. Colet Mitchell had name tags and bottles of water for us.  There was no business meeting this morning, but please do be aware that letters of nomination for new members are due to Xenia Wilkinson by October 1. 

The tour began with a presentation by two members of All Hallows Guild who outlined the history of the garden, including current restorations in the garden.  The Cathedral Close includes 59 cultivated acres:  includes the athletic fields, cultivated gardens, woods, lawns, a prayer path, and the Bishop’s Garden. 

On the morning of our visit, the brilliant blue sky, sunlight, and deeply shaded areas seemed to highlight the magnificent new boxwoods and cedars that have been added to restored areas of the garden.  The roses in the garden were near perfect, and the extensive boarders of blue and purple   flowers were spectacular, seemingly alive with bees and butterflies. 


Jane DeCell, Colet Mitchell (2 guests, Connie McMurray and one other), Cathy Farrell (1 guest, Louis Hart), Jean Barquin (1 guest), Connie Anderson, Dolly McKenna, Mary Frances Koltes, Lynn Keith, Winkie Crigler, Susan Vanderver (1 guest), Hellen Garrett (1 guest, her daughter Schuyler Ryan), Jane Dana (2 guests, Betsy Kleeblatt and Jane Newport).    

Catherine Farrell

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Founded in 1953 

71 Years of Environmental Education 

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