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Tour of Meadowlark Botanical Gardens - Meeting on April 18, 2023

Evergreen Garden Club Meeting

April 18, 2023


Attending: Jean Barquin, Jane Dana, Jane DeCell, Amy Dewey, Cathy Farrell, Mary Jane Glass, Nancy Gorman, Colet Mitchell, Lynne Pickard, Donna Roberts, Anne Snodgrass, Susan Vanderver. Also attending: Susan’s guest, Katherine Richter.


The meeting was held at Meadowlark Botanical Gardens, Vienna, Virginia. President Jane Dana thanked Jane DeCell for planning this excursion, and before our guided tour, she called a brief business meeting at 11:35.


Jane gave the treasurer’s report in the absence of Winkie. All dues are in.


Mary Jane reported that the Philanthropy Committee recommends that we maintain our giving to our present four recipients at the same level for the coming year.

·      Tregaron Conservancy $1,500

·      Rock Creek Conservancy $1,500

·      National Youth Garden at the National Arboretum $1,000

·      Building Bridges Across the River $1,000

The committee will make further recommendations concerning the club’s possible one-time anniversary gift of $2,000 later.


Jane DeCell, program chair, reminded members that there is a work day at Tregaron scheduled for May 2 (rain date May 9).


Cathy Farrell of the nominating committee presented a slate of prospective officers for the coming year:

·      President Winkie Crigler

·      First VP Doris Dixon

·      Second VP Donna Roberts

·      Treasurer Susie Taylor

·      Assistant Treasurer Catherine Farrell

·      Corresponding Secretary Anne Snodgrass

·      Recording secretary Mary Jane Glass

The members present voted to approve the slate of officers.


Cathy Farrell announced that Anne Williams, who recently resigned her membership, asks to return to the club. Members voted to approve. Cathy noted that at 45 members, the club is now at full membership.


Plans for the anniversary luncheon are proceeding Jane Dana said, “There will be some fun surprises.” Please send a check for $35 to Winkie no later than May 1 if you are attending.


Cathy passed around a sign-up sheet for hosting and refreshments for next year’s meetings. She promised that the list would be available again.

With no further business, Jane adjourned the meeting at 11:50, and then members enjoyed a guided tour of the botanic garden. There are three ponds on the property with lots of wildlife. The tour included a greenhouse with succulents, a native plant garden, perennial gardens of peonies, irises, and daylilies, and many beautiful trees, both native and ornamental.

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Evergreen Garden Club

Founded in 1953 

71 Years of Environmental Education 

© 2024 by the Evergreen Garden Club

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