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Thanksgiving Holiday Arrangement Workshop with Christy Thorley, Floral Designer

Evergreen Garden Club

Minutes of November 19, 2024 Meeting


Attending: Connie Anderson, Kathryn Baker, Jean Barquin, Carol Cramer, Winkie Crigler, Jane DeCell, Doris Dixon, Catherine Farrell, Fossy Fenwick, Molly Fenwick, Betsy Forster, Mary Jane Glass, Jeannette Harper, Mary Frances Koltes, Diana Luka-Hopson, Sally Marshall, Dolly McKenna, Colet Mitchell, Jane Nassim, Jackie Poortman, Donna Roberts, Susie Taylor, Susan Vanderver, Rosa Wallach, Xenia Wilkinson. Guests: Theresa Hart, Sarah Vilms.


Doris introduced the speaker, Christy Thorley, a floral designer. Christy created an ebullient seasonal arrangement using Thanksgiving colors. Club members received a thoughtfully chosen assortment of flowers to arrange in a pottery pumpkin. Christy advised and tweaked and generally made our arrangements Thanksgiving-table-worthy. Christy recommends Trader Joe’s and Potomac Floral Wholesale as good places to buy flowers. As a general rule, she suggests the height of the arrangement be no more than twice the height of the vessel. (Higher means visual instability.)


Winkie thanked Doris for arranging for Christy to speak to the club, and she thanked Christy for her floral artistry. She also thanked Susan Vanderver for arranging for the club to meet at her church, and she thanked Janet Nassim and Connie Anderson for their refreshments.


Upon motion duly made and seconded, rhe club approved the minutes of the October meeting with the following corrections: Carol Cramer was present last month, and Doris of course introduced our speaker last month as she does every month.


Treasurer’s report (Susie Taylor)

We currently have $8,667 in the bank. As of Monday, November 18, I have an additional $1,238 in hand consisting of checks for dues, as well as some for our November workshop charges, which I will deposit on Wednesday, November 20. I expect to collect the remaining November workshop payments at our November meeting. There are six members that have not yet paid their dues for this year. Once we collect these payments, we will have reached our budget projection for existing members’ dues income.


Evergreen Garden Club is on track with its approved budget. As a reminder, the approved budget anticipates available funds of $4,000 to donate in support of its philanthropic mission. This is $1,000 less than we donated last year because of our investment in our new website.


Winkie announced the election results: We have two new members, Sarah Vilms, who was at the meeting as Rosa’s guest, and Ann Reid. They will be joining us as members effective at our January meeting.


Colet sent out a report on the October Tregaron workday via our new website. Winkie asked whether everyone  received that email, and was the link easy to open.


We still need a hostess for our March 18, 2025, meeting (Yankee Clippers lecture and slide show).


We also need a volunteer to chair our nominating committee this spring.


There will be no meeting in December. Our next meeting will be January 21 on Zoom. We will hear from Lynn Keith, Ellen Thrasher, and Colet Mitchell with a virtual private garden tour of summer gardens in Maine, Washington, DC, and Guatemala.


Winke apologized in advance for missing the January meeting. She will be in Panama with the Smithsonian National Board, so multi-talented First Vice President Doris Dixon will run the meeting. 


Winkie adjourned the meeting at noon, as there was no further business.


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Jane Glass

Recording Secretary

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Evergreen Garden Club

Founded in 1953 

71 Years of Environmental Education 

© 2024 by the Evergreen Garden Club

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