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Self-Guided Tour of the United States National Arboretum - Meeting on September 20, 2022

Evergreen Garden Club

Minutes, September 20, 2022


Members present for our tour of the National Youth Garden at the National Arboretum on Tuesday, September 20: Jane Dana, Jean Barquin, Doris Dixon, Ellen Thrasher, Laurene Sherlock, Cathy Farrell, Jane De Cell, Connie Anderson, Dolly Mc Kenna, Colet Mitchell, Lynn Keith, Mary Jane Glass, and Susan Vanderver.


Brianne Studer, the National Arboretum’s director of programs at the Washington Youth Garden, gave our members a tour of the garden and an outline of its purpose and activities. The garden gave 5,700 pounds of food to its partner schools last year and expects to give even more this year. Volunteers and staff maintain the garden and train teachers in 10 to 12 Title 1 partner schools each year so those teachers are better able to continue their schools’ gardens. There is also a summer internship program for high school students, the Green Ambassadors.


The garden produces food crops and habitat for pollinators. There are pawpaw trees and interesting, seldom-grown vegetables like Asian long beans, as well as favorites like tomatoes, chard, green beans, and squashes.


Following our tour, President Jane Dana began a short business meeting by welcoming one of our newest members, Laurene Sherlock. Jane reminded us that the deadline for nominations to membership is October 1. There are two openings for new members. She said the dues letter went out recently.


Program Chair Jane De Cell announced that a focus for the year is our partnerships with recipients of our grants. The dedication of the Shipman Terrace at Tregaron will be from 5-7 pm on October 19, with a tour of the Shipman Terrace at 4:30 pm, and Evergreen members are all invited. Those interested in attending should email Tregaron’s Executive Director, Lynn Parseghian ( 


Our 70th anniversary will be celebrated at a luncheon on the third Tuesday in May, the 16th. If there is sufficient interest, we may also plan an anniversary cocktail party next fall.


Ellen Thrasher commented that the work on the club’s website really improves access to information. Jane thanked Susan Vandever for her extensive reordering of the club’s archives, which are now well organized and accessible.


Colet Mitchell is hosting the October meeting. She said there is parking around the corner from her house on Wissioming Road and encouraged carpooling.


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Jane Glass, recording secretary

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Evergreen Garden Club

Founded in 1953 

71 Years of Environmental Education 

© 2024 by the Evergreen Garden Club

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