“If you are not killing plants, you are not really stretching yourself as a gardener.”
– J.C. Raulston
September 3, 2024
Dear Evergreen Garden Club Members,
I don’t know about you, but I think that this summer certainly stretched me (and my poor plants!) -- I am learning the hard way what will grow and a few plants that can even be said to thrive in very hot, humid, drought-stricken conditions. Cooler August days were a welcome relief!
While the rest of us have been lolling about in front of fans, huddled close to the AC unit, or traveling to cooler climes to escape the heat, Doris Dixon, our First Vice President, has been hard at work since June to plan another year of wonderful programs and meetings. The schedule of programs for this year is attached below AND available on our website here. You can print the document from either location! Please mark your calendars now. RSVPs for all meetings should be sent to Donna Roberts at wrobe22481@gmail.com.

And please note that our first meeting, a trip to Tudor Place, to see both the garden and the house, is coming right up! Tuesday, September 17, 2024 at 10:00 am (Rain date September 24, 2024). Tudor Place is located at 1644 31st Street, NW, Washington, DC 20007 (Street parking on 31st Street). We will tour both the House and Garden with a docent. Tudor Place has graciously made their newly renovated terrace available for us to gather for our business meeting after the tours and an optional brown bag lunch. Please RSVP to Donna Roberts at wrobe22481@gmail.com by Wednesday, September 10th (next week!).
We hope to have a good turnout each month for our interesting speakers. Reminder that Active members are required to attend 3 meetings and strongly encouraged to attend at least 4 meetings each year.
Download and print the Schedule of Programs document here:
Our membership roster is attached below or you can conveniently access it on our website by clicking here (the password continues to be Forevergreen). We are not mailing a Directory this year, as there have been very few changes in membership since last year’s Directory:
Betty Langhammer has resigned. ☹
4 members have moved from Active to Associate status (Louise Beale, Molly Fenwick, Helen Large, Claire Marshall).
There was one typo in the pink Directory: Ann Williams’ apartment number is 1401-S
We have six openings for new members, so please give some thought to nominating candidates this fall. Nominations should be sent to our Membership Chair Xenia Wilkinson (xeniavw@aol.com) by October 1.
Download and print the Membership Directory document here:

Susie Taylor, our Treasurer, will be sending a dues invoice in a separate email. Dues are $150 and are payable before October 31. (Do it now before you forget!). Click here for dues payment details.

All of this information is also posted on our website: www.evergreengc.org. The password for the Members Only section continues to be: Forevergreen. And speaking of our website, I have some very exciting news to share: Jane Dana and Catherine Farrell have been working incredibly hard for months to renovate and update the site, and it is now live! It is really beautiful and easy to navigate – please go explore it by clicking here.

Going forward, all members will be receiving communications through emails which are basically blog posts to the website and will appear on the site at the same time. Emails will contain a green "Read More" button that links to the full version of the email, and it is crucial that you click on the button to get all the information (see button in photo).
Emails will contain prevalent links to specific pages of the members-only section and you will be required to enter the password (Forevergreen) to access those areas. The new website has been tailored to work equally well on both laptops and cell phones. We hope the new website will be more fun, easier to use, easier to edit, and will streamline our communications going forward.
Looking forward to another year of gardening and friendships with all of you.
Winkie Crigler