Evergreen Garden Club
October 17, 2023 Meeting
Attending: Connie Anderson, Kathryn Baker, Jean Barquin, Carol Cramer, Winkie Crigler, Jane DeCell, Doris Dixon, Cathy Farrell, Fossy Fenwick, Betsy Forster, Helen Garrett, Mary Jane Glass, Nancy Gorman, Jeannette Harper, Lynn Keith, Mary Frances Koltes, Betty Langhammer, Diana Luka-Hopson, Sara Maner, Claire Marshall, Sally Marshall, Dolly McKenna, Colet Mitchell, Lynne Pickard, Jackie Poortman, Donna Roberts, Sharon Schall, Pam Selden, Susie Taylor, Ellen Thrasher, Susan Vanderver, Rosa Wallach, Xenia Wilkenson, Ann Williams.

Bonita Condon, a participant in the Montgomery County Master Gardener program and a certified weed warrior (!!!), discussed āPutting Your Garden to Bed for the Winter.ā There is no need to cut back plants to tidy up for the winter, as doing so destroys shelter for beneficial insects. Fertilizer applications should not include potassium, to prevent algae blooms in the Chesapeake. Bonita encouraged the gardeners to avoid non-natives when making new plantings. Bonita promised to provide a copy of her PowerPoint, which will be posted on the Evergreen website.
Susan Vanderver presented the 70th Anniversary Evergreen slide show that she and Jane Dana created. Winkie thanked them for their efforts; the show was delightful. We are also working to post the anniversary slideshow on the Evergreen website where members can enjoy it again.
Business Meeting
Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Winkie thanked Doris Dixon for hosting todayās meeting and Colet Mitchell, Donna Roberts, and Mary Jane Glass for providing refreshments.
Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā The members present voted to approve the minutes from the anniversary luncheon/meeting on May 16, 2023, and the September 19, 2023, meeting.
Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā The Executive Committee met yesterday (October 16) to approve the requests of three members, Muffin Lynham, Louise Beale, and Helen Large, to change their status from Active to Associate. This means the club now has three vacancies. Please forward any nominations to Xenia Wilkinson by the February deadline for consideration.
Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Winkie thanked Jeannette Harper for giving us the history of the Van Ness family, the Van Ness Mausoleum, its architect, and our clubās past financial support for repairs to the mausoleum at last monthās meeting in Oak Hill Cemetery. Winkie said the mausoleum is again in need of repairs, and if there is interest, she could explore working with the Oak Hill Foundation and other organizations.
Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Our November meeting will be a trip to Gail Jacobs's workshop for a lecture and demonstration. This visit may include a quick visit to her home and her justly renowned garden. The cost is $40 per person for a lecture and demonstration. One person will get to take home an arrangement but not everyone. It is looking like we will have roughly 25 people ($1,000). Given the expense, we thought that we would share the cost of the event between Evergreen and those attending, so each member attending will pay $20. If there is space, any guests will pay the full $40. Attendees may send their fees to Susie Taylor, Treasurer.
Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Members should have already received their Evergreen directories and the yearās program schedule by now. If you have not, let Winkie know. There is one correction thus far: Ann Williamsā apartment number is incorrect. It should be Apt. 1401-S. In addition to Muffin Lynham, Louise Beale and Helen Large have requested Associate status since the directory was printed.
Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Treasurerās report, Susie Taylor. She reminded everyone to send in their dues now. She said she would send a draft of next yearās budget before the next meeting, so that we can vote on it then.
Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Winkie and Doris attended the NCAGC meeting at the Arboretum on October 3. They gave the five new members from 2022, Julia Bellinger, Sara Maner, Donna Roberts, Laurene Sherlock, and Rosa Wallach, a daffodil bulb, a gift from the NCAGC. She asked that each recipient bring a picture of the flower next spring. She reminded members that they are all receiving the monthly NCAGC newsletter and that all Evergreen members are welcome to attend any NCAGC event.
Ā·Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Donna Roberts (2nd VP) asked for volunteers to provide hospitality at the following meetings: November 14, February 20, and March 19.
Ā·Ā Ā Ā Colet Mitchell announced the upcoming Tregaron workday on Tuesday, November 7, at 10:00 am. (Rain date is Tuesday, November 21.) Mary Jane Glass will take RSVPs and lead the workday because Colet will be out of town on November 7.
With no further business, Winkie adjourned the meeting at 12:15.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Jane Glass, secretary