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President's Letter - August 22, 2022

Dear Evergreen Garden Club Members,

As the long lazy days of summer begin to wind down, my thoughts are turning to the beginning of our 69th Evergreen Garden Club year!  Many members have been working hard this summer to plan a year filled with wonderful programs and meetings - all focused on learning, supporting, and preserving gardens and nature.  I hope all of you have enjoyed a relaxing and refreshing summer, spending time with family and friends.  

Our theme this year is existing and possible future community partnerships.  Many of our programs and tours will help us to learn more about the organizations that we support, either financially or through volunteer work. Our wonderful Program Chair Jane DeCell has put together a varied and interesting program schedule for the months ahead. should plan to Please mark your calendars for the 70th anniversary celebration of our Club’s founding at a luncheon on May 16.  More information to follow on that special event! 

Over the past two years, our members have stayed in touch principally through virtual programs, and outdoor events and tours, enjoying the time together even when in-person meetings could not be planned.  EGC provided an outlet not only to discuss gardens but also to see friends and perfect tech skills together.  This year, we hope that programs, other than the Zoom January program, will be in person.  Second VP Ellen Thrasher has been contacting members about hosting and providing snacks, and I appreciate members’ willingness to help in this way.  As we did last year, the club will follow CDC guidance.  Should the need arise (and I am hoping it will not) we will move a meeting to Zoom, with advance notice to all. 

I am happy to welcome new members Donna Roberts, Rosa Wallach, and Lauren Sherlock to our club.  New members are key to this club’s continuing vitality, and we have two openings in our roster now, so please give some thought to nominating candidates this fall.  Nominations, should be sent to our Membership Chair Xenia Wilkinson by October 1.  

The September mailing includes the Program Summary and Directory. The dues letter from our Treasurer, Winkie Crigler, will be sent separately.  This information is also posted on our website.  The password for the Members Only section is:  Forevergreen.   I am looking forward to seeing you on September 20. 


Jane T. Dana

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Evergreen Garden Club

Founded in 1953 

71 Years of Environmental Education 

© 2024 by the Evergreen Garden Club

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