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City Blossoms with Rafael Woldeab - Meeting on October 18, 2022

Evergreen Garden Club Minutes

October 18, 2022


Members present for the meeting, hosted by Colet Mitchell in her home, were: Connie Anderson, Carol Cramer, Winkie Crigler, Jane Dana, Doris Dixon, Kathy Farrell, Betsy Forster, Helen Garrett, Mary Jane Glass, Jeannette Harper, Lynn Keith, Muffin Lynham, Claire Marshall, Sally Marshall, Dolly McKenna, Colet Mitchell, Janet Nassim, Jackie Poortman, Sharon Schall, Pam Selden, Laurene Sherlock, Anne Snodgrass, Ellen Thrasher, Susan Vanderver, Rosa Wallach, Xenia Wilkinson, and guest Julia Bellinger.


City Blossoms Executive Director Rafael Woldeab presented an overview of the organization for the Evergreen meeting. City Blossoms was founded in 2008 to provide opportunities for underserved children to experience nature. They support gardening experiences for children from two years old to the late teenage years and provide training to teachers and volunteers in support of elementary and middle school gardens. Mr. Woldeab showed us a bilingual (Spanish and English) cookbook that City Blossoms interns and volunteers have published to encourage healthy eating and to raise money for the organization. In response to a question, he told us that there is overlap with other garden organizations like the National Youth Garden, which also trains educators working in school gardens. Wherever possible, City Blossoms works with groups whose mission is complementary, so that the impact of all is greater than that of City Blossoms alone.


Following Mr. Woldeab’s talk, President Jane Dana began a short business meeting by welcoming a guest and proposed new member, Julia Bellinger. She also thanked Colet for her hospitality and Pam Selden and Colet for her delicious refreshments.


Xenia and Kathy reported that there are two openings for new members. Winkie nominated Sara Maner, and Colet nominated Julia Bellinger. The letters of nomination were read and circulated at the meeting, and supporting letters will be emailed to members. 


Winkie gave the treasurer’s report:This year’s budget shows expenses exceeding revenues by $735, but I am not concerned. We have not been using all the $1,600 budgeted for speakers in recent years. In addition, we did not use the $750 budgeted for the website last year. That means that our reserves have increased sufficiently that we will be fine.” Winkie also reported that the correct balance in the checking account at the start of the year was $5,887.11, and she reminded the members that it’s time to pay our annual dues. The budget for the year is attached to these minutes.


Jane began her president’s report by announcing the November 15 program: a flower-arranging workshop led by Ami Wilbur, floral and events décor designer at Hillwood. The January meeting will be a Zoom presentation by several members of recent projects in their gardens. Jane shared the newsletter of the NCAGC and said that she would distribute it electronically to the membership for a few months. She said that the Executive Committee has decided to keep paper archives of all important documents, including minutes. The website will only include minutes of meetings from the current year.  

There is a tour of the Shipman Terrace at Tregaron, followed by a reception, tomorrow at 4:30. All EGC members are invited to attend. There will be a Tregaron cleanup workday on November 3.


The anniversary luncheon will be on May 16, 2023. There are several opportunities to help in the planning of this event. Those interested in helping should contact Jane Dana. If there is sufficient interest, we will also plan for a cocktail party in fall 2023.


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Jane Glass, recording secretary



2022-2023 budget

Cookie Jar Ginger Snaps from Pam Selden

A recipe from her grandmother


2 C. sifted flour

2 t. baking soda

½ t. salt

1 T. ground ginger

1 t. ground cinnamon

1 t. ground cloves

¾ C. butter, softened

1 C. sugar (plus extra sugar for rolling the formed cookie balls before cooking)

1 egg

¼ C. molasses 


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.


Measure the flour, baking soda, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, and salt into sifter. Set aside.


Cream the butter until soft and gradually add the sugar and cream until fluffy. Beat in the egg and molasses. Sift in the dry ingredients and blend.


Form teaspoon of dough and roll into a ball and then roll into sugar. Place on a baking sheet and bake for 10 to 12 minutes. 


If you like them a little thinner, you can flatten each ball with the back of a ¼ measuring cup or little glass dipped in sugar periodically to keep the dough from sticking. (I did for this for the ones I did for the meeting yesterday).


Bake for 6-7 minutes. Makes about three dozen cookies.


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Evergreen Garden Club

Founded in 1953 

71 Years of Environmental Education 

© 2024 by the Evergreen Garden Club

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