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2023-2024 Program Schedule

Evergreen Garden Club 

 2023-2024 Program Overview 

Note: The format for all meetings in member homes is as follows: Coffee at 10:00, speaker promptly at 10:30, business meeting at 11:30. Please RSVP for all meetings to Donna Roberts at and be sure to put “Evergreen” in the subject line so she can easily locate your response. (And please don’t “reply all.”)


Tuesday, September 19, 2023, 10:30 am 

Oak Hill Cemetery, Lunch, plus optional visit to Mount Zion Cemetery (Historic African American cemetery) 

Location: 3003 R Street, NW – Georgetown, parking on 30th and R Streets. Restaurant- Bistrot Lepic, 1736 Wisconsin Ave, with parking on Wisconsin or S Street, NW. 

Mount Zion Cemetery, 27th and Q Streets, adjacent to Dumbarton House. 

Description: Members will gather at the entrance to Oak Hill Cemetery at 10:30 AM for a partial tour of the cemetery with an emphasis on the Van Ness Mausoleum. Members may arrive at 10 AM to explore other parts of the cemetery first. Club member Jeannette Harper will provide a history of the Mausoleum and EGC’s contribution of $70,000 for the renovation of the Mausoleum in the 1980s. Following the tour of Oak Hill, members who wish to join for a Dutch Treat lunch will meet at Bistrot Lepic – reservations required. After lunch, anyone wishing to visit Mount Zion Cemetery is encouraged to do so. 

Tuesday, October 17, 2023, 10:00 am 

Putting Your Garden to Bed for the Winter – with Bonita Condon, Master Gardener, PLUS 70th Anniversary Slide Show, followed by Business Meeting 

Location: Home of Doris Dixon, 3809 East West Highway, Chevy Chase, MD, parking in Doris’ u-shaped driveway (for up to 10 cars) or on Glendale Road (first street on left past her home). 

Description: Bonita Condon with the Montgomery County, MD Master Gardener program will discuss preparing our gardens for winter – answering the age-old questions: To prune and or not to prune? Mulch? Rake or let leaves remain? Let plants die back on their own to create habitats for insects and birds or clear them away? Fall planting, fall bloomers, soil amendments, best fall/winter practices to prepare our gardens for their spring glory. Following the presentation, the Evergreen Garden Club’s 70th Anniversary Slide Show will be debuted, followed by a brief business meeting. 

Tuesday, November 7, 2023 10:30 am 

Raindate: Tuesday, November 21, 2023 10:30 

Volunteer Workday at Tregaron Conservancy – Fall Clean-up 

Location: Klingle Road Entrance, 3031 Klingle Road, NW, Washington, DC 

Description: Volunteers will gather for a clean-up morning at the EGC garden within the beautiful and historic landscape of the 13-acre Tregaron Conservancy. A member of the Tregaron team will join the volunteers to share information about new plants and guide our efforts. Colet Mitchell is acting as our Tregaron liaison this year, so reach out to her if you have questions. 2 


Tuesday, November 14, 2023, 10:00 am (note: second Tuesday, not third Tuesday) 

Holiday Arrangements Using Flowers, Vegetables and Fruits Demonstration with Gail Jacobs, Owner of Flower Craft Workshops 

Location: Home and garden of Gail Jacobs, 6619 Elgin Lane, Bethesda, MD 20817. Street parking on Elgin Lane, on both sides of the street. 

Description: Lecture/demonstration using fresh vegetables and fruits for containers, and components in floral design. Many of the designs and ideas will be used to create a tablescape for you to re-create at home for the holidays. Fee per person, TBD. 

Tuesday, January 16, 2024 10:00 am 

Virtual Tours of Members’ Summer Gardens – Maine, New Hampshire, Wisconsin 

Location: Zoom – link to be sent one week prior to meeting. 

Description: What could be more fun in January than to be whisked away for a discussion featuring Evergreen Garden Club members Anne Snodgrass, Dolly McKenna, and Mary Frances Koltes, with a virtual private tour of their summer gardens. They will share photographs of their gardens and discuss the different climates and plants that flourish in their “away” gardens. 

Tuesday, February 20, 2024 10:00 am 

“A Rose is a Rose is a Rose” -- Discussion with Michael Gildea, CGM, Garden and Grounds Manager, Chevy Chase Club 

Location: Fossy Fenwick’s Home, 4001 Rosemary Street, Chevy Chase. Street parking on Rosemary Street. 

Description: Michael Gildea will share secrets of the Chevy Chase Club’s rose garden, successful varietals for our area, year-round care, and pruning. 


Tuesday, March 19, 2024 10:00 am 

Ikebana Unbound – Demonstration and Workshop 

Location: Winkie Crigler’s home, 4106 42nd Street, NW, Washington, DC. Street Parking on 42nd Street and Van Ness Street. 

Description: Bie Yie Fox studied Ikebana (translated as “living flowers”) while posted in the US Embassy in Tokyo, Japan. She will discuss the history of Ikebana, with its origins in 6th century Japan, and lead a workshop, where each member will create a floral arrangement to take home using Ikebana philosophy and technique. Fee per person TBD. 


Tuesday, April 16, 2024 10:00 am* 

British Embassy Garden Tour and Orchid Greenhouse with John Sonnier, Horticulturist/Head Gardner 

Location: 3100 Massachusetts Ave, NW, parking details to be provided. 

Description: John Sonnier will lead us through the breath-taking formal gardens surrounding the Ambassador’s residence and provide us with a peek into the Orchid Greenhouse on the grounds. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2024 10:30 am * 

Raindate: Tuesday, May 14, 2024 10:30 am 


Volunteer Workday at Tregaron Conservancy – Spring Planting 

Location: Klingle Road Entrance, 3031 Klingle Rd, NW, Washington, DC 

Description: Volunteers will gather for a morning of spring planting at the EGC Garden Plot with guidance from Tregaron Conservancy. Colet Mitchell is acting as our Tregaron liaison this year, so reach out to her if you have questions.  


Tuesday, May 21, 2024 10:30 am 

Annual Meeting and Luncheon at Hopefield preceded by a Tour of Claybrook Garden 

Location: Meet at 10:30 AM at Claybrook, 3209 Lost Corner Road, Delaplane, VA. Meet at 12:30 PM at Hopefield, Rosa Wallach’s home, 6763 Airlie Road, Warrenton, VA. Carpooling encouraged – we will provide carpool sign-ups prior to the meeting. Detailed driving directions will be provided. 

Description: Feroline Higginson, owner of Claybrook, will lead us on a private tour of her garden beginning at 10:30 AM. Following the tour, members will proceed to Hopefield, Rosa Wallach’s historic home and garden, for a festive luncheon and end-of-year business meeting. Fee per person TBD. 

*These dates are firm at the time of publication but could be changed after the new year 

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Evergreen Garden Club

Founded in 1953 

71 Years of Environmental Education 

© 2024 by the Evergreen Garden Club

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